We have 17 signed up so your odds are better then if we had 50, heheh
I hope you all have your lucky gadget in your pocket so that your name is the one I pick
but remember I am picking two so your odds are even better. So on the 15th of this month I will let
my DSH, yes my dear sweet husband is a dish, hehe, but I will let him pull the two names out of
the hat and hopefully it will be yours
Good luck and thanks for joining the giveaway.
I am off to finish sewing on some other swaps that I am involved in, and I am almost done. I do my
best work when I am under pressure. The pressure is on and everything needs to be mailed
out by the 15th, 20th, and the 22nd. Busy, busy, busy bee.
Hugs to all and have a awesome day.
Oh Jan you know I've got my fingers crossed..smile..I do well on under pressure too got two swaps out this week and two to get out next.Have a great weekend!~Amy
Would you tell your sweet honey that I've been very good and to put my name in a few more times just because of that! heeheehee! Be good..and have fun! ♥
Tee hee, you know you are such a sweetie Diane but just one chance for each person. Well actually there is two chances as we are picking two names. First name gets first choice.
Good luck my friends.
Oh Jan..what a lovely piece!! Yes..yes..please put me in your hat (hee...hee) to win!
xoxo Gert
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