Happy first day of Summer my friends. I am in wonder that after today we will already be heading towards fall. Wow, today is the longest day of the year and after today the days will start getting shorter and the nights longer. Hum. Mother Nature wasn't so kind to us this year.
My Summer Solstice blessing is for a wonderful mild season with out any further displays of destruction from good ole Mamma Natural.

My canary, Pete, did an extra special greeting this morning. He did his usual early morning song but he also did a special little dance. Do you suppose he knows its Summer Solstice?
He lost his foot in an accident last year but has adapted so well and is such a little trooper. He sings such wonderful songs and goes on and on and I guess that is his way of celebrating life.

I plan on making my famous Strawberry / Rhubarb pie today to celebrate the Summer Solstice. What better way to say hello to Summer.
Oh Yummy! I can hardly wait till dinner is over. Heheh
Well, I am off to make the most of the longest day and work in the garden, do a little sewing, play with my dog, Phoebe, and just celebrate being alive.
Oh yea I am also celebrating the fact that I just reach 100 followers. I just turned it on this morning and VOILA, what do you know. I am so excited and feel very honored to have that many folks interested in what I may have to say.
Thank you to all my friends and followers. You are my reason for keeping on keeping on with my blog.
Hugs and Happy Summer