Yep, its been ages and so much has happened. Life goes on and I am dealing with some
heavy duty health issues so that seems to put a crimp on my normal goings on. But, I just
keep plugging along.

I was gone and they decided to go for a walk off the leashes, by their selves for the first time
ever. My dear Husband got home before I did and did the initial panicking for me. He went
and down the street, talking to neigbors, calling for the two of them. He came back home and
called me at which point my heart flew out of my chest. Then he said, "oh wait, here they come
wagging their tails behind them". They must have had a great time and thank the lord we
live in a somewhat quite area so there isn't a lot of traffic. OMG... I would be heart sick
if anything happened to my sweet furry kids.
Anyway, just want to say that I wish for all my Friends and Followers a very
Merry Christmas and Joyous holiday season to all.
Hugs and Holiday blessings
Jan, Greg, Phoebe and the Baxter