Just in time for the holidays. Three little angels each one just a little larger then the next. Be sure to stop by and visit and leave a note that you were here.
Getting closer to the biggy. Can you believe how fast time is passing by. It just seems that after October 31 the next two months just seem to melt together and no one knows where the time has gone and its already
These are a few of my little meeces for my mouse house. Still need a few more.
Jan, I love the salt box house and how you made it a warm cozy looking home for the beautiful mice you make. I also LOVE the picture of you curled up in the chair and with your blankets and you 90lb puppy, that just melted my heart!
Prim Blessings,
☆•*¨*•Linda•*¨*•☆ was here......
Be still my heart...you little meeses just melt my heart! Love them ALL and the little angels are precious! Did you really put lavender in some of these? OH MY! I would love that! ♥
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