Yes, this is another beginning and in the beginning there is a giveaway. I am rebuilding my Primitive blog since my last blog was hijacked and finally removed from Blogger. The hijackers got my password and then immediately proceeded to change it and I could no longer get into my blog. Blogger finally removed it and I am so glad as now I can begin again.
I am going to give to one lucky Elf an adorable Ginger bread family ....AND.... Miss Feather and her Rabbitmobile!!!!
Yes, this is truly a Christmas giveaway and I will be drawing name for this giveaway on the 1st of December.
This is what you need to do to be entered in the giveaway.
1. Leave a comment
2. Become a follower
3. Post on your blog about the giveaway and if you don't have a blog, let me know that and you can still enter.
4. Come back and visit at least once each week and post a comment and I will give you an extra entry for the giveaway.
Whew..... that may seem like a lot but Hey, look what you are going to get for all your enjoyable work. I promise to make each weeds visit a rewarding visit. Now that is a surprise you will just have to come back to find out about. Hum....
Signup will end on November 15th.
I do hope that you will visit often, not just for the giveaways, thats the fun part, but just to say hi and stop and see whats happening in my little Primitive Nest.
Be sure to pass the word about this multiple giveaway to all your blogger friends and remember the more visits the more chances to win additional giveaways. WOO HOO!!!!
Hugs and GOOD LUCK! to all of my Prim friends
Please enter me in your giveaway. I love your new blog! Hugs, Valerie
Jan, love your new blog so far! Looks great and I adore your giveaway items!! Please enter me! I am following and will also post on my blog's sidebar. Will add to all 3 of my blogs.
Love Your New Blog,What awesome job you have
done, please enter my name in the giveaway
Have posted the Giveaway on my Blog...
Harvest Blessings
The Rabbitmobile! OH MY! What a sweet giveaway, Jan! I love your new blog and I'm wishing you much success! I'll be a follower and visit you every week! I'm excited that you've started over and made your blogs even better! Hugs to you, my friend! ♥♥♥
Sorry to hear about your blog problems! Such a shame some people are like that! Good luck with your new blog. Just became a follower and will post your giveaway on my blog! Cute giveaway!!! ~~Annie
You are such a trooper Jan, what a great giveaway! I've just become a follower and have posted a link on my sidebar (along with Mr. Thomas!) under Great Giveaways. Thanks so much for this very generous giveaway and also for posting my buttons and a link to my giveaway here. Wishing you nothing but good luck and prosperity with your new blogs, Deb.
Jan your new blog is awesome ! I have become a follower . Please include my name in your wonderfully generous giveaway.You are a very talented lady! Hugs,Jen
1. I definitely would like to have a chance at winning your giveaway, please enter me:)
2. I am a follower of your new blog.
3. I have put your giveaway on my blog left sidebar:)
Thanks much Jan!
Jan: I didn't know you had two blogs. I will follow this one also. I love your stuff, you are very creative and your workmanship looks professional.
I got very busy last night at my son's b'day party. So when I get home I will work on my blog and updat and add both your give aways to mine.
could you enter me in this one also. I made a family of these once and lost them in a flood i had in my basement. :( If I don't win I will make me another set.
thanks for the give aways, Hope I win.
Loving the new blog!!!! Oh please enter me in a chance to win your giveaway! I'm a follower and I promis to come back and comment!!!! lol My kids are in love with your rabbit! My littest girl already called dibs on the rabbit mobile if i'd win!LOL! Thank for the chance to win!!!! Big Prim Hugs Casey!!!!
Hi, good luck on your new blog. I am a follower and I will post on my blog. I'll be back to post comments.
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