I am so excited about my newest endeavor. I am going to do a rug hooking of my dear sweet William Wallace. I am sketching from a photo of him and I was going to use that as my pattern but now I am thinking that I may just take and have the original photo blown up and keep this as a picture to frame. Isn't he just the sweetest little guy?
I was worried that Phoebe may be bothered by this picture but I guess dogs don't see a photo like we do. I think their prospective is different. She looked at it but not like she recognized the picture but just as it being something that I was doing. To me is is just a great dose of therapy of letting go yet being able to hold on to his sweet face in my heart and soon on my wall. I hope that the rug hooking comes out as nice as his sketch. The hair may be a bit of a challenge. I may resort to using some wool yarn in some areas just to allow for the detail to come through. I think the wool strips might not be small enough to show the fine hairs.
We shall see. Will keep you updated.