Boy oh boy, what a pain in the you know where. Yep. It lasted about 4 days and I am just starting to feel better today.
I absolutely hate taking Muscle relaxants but it was the only way I could get any rest at all. Now I can get back to my usual status and get my studio cleaned up.
I have been working in the front yard a bit and have tried to fix up my old mail box post with some great old ivy vines that I gleemed from behind the library where they cut down a tree. these looked like huge curly willow and made great cottage appeal to my mailbox post.
I also used them to attach my clematis that is growing in the front window for it to grow up and wind around on.
How much is that doggy in the window, the one with the waggly tail...........
My flowers are loving these sunny days that we have been having finally as I am too.
If you look close you can see that sweet little puppy girl in the window.
I have been replacing chewed up dog toys so now every time I walk up stairs
Phoebe thinks I am going to make her another toy. Spoiled little Puppy girl. Here she sleeps dreaming of more toys to come. heheh gotta love her.

I have been harvesting loads of strawberries from the strawberry garden. I have been getting about a large colander full every day. We have
been having fresh strawberry
shortcake several times a week. I am not big or have never done any canning and I don't really
know where to start on doing that. So I have been washing them and freezing them to use later. Great wonderful big strawberries. Don't you just love them?
I am finishing up with my Swedish weaving and looking forward to doing some more punch needle work. I love the, easy on the eyes, of the Swedish Weaving but I love the challenge of the punch needle work. More detail and closer work.
This is where I am right now on my Swedish Weaving, SW, afghan.
I Love the colors and design. It is called Sherwood forest.
I made a big pork roast yesterday for Sunday dinner but tonight we are having shredded pork burritos with some great salsa and refried beans and Spanish rice. Can't wait till dinner, heheh
So hope you had a nice visit and I really look forward to you all stopping by again soon.
I do hope you will just leave even a little comment and say hi so that I know you were here. I so enjoy reading all the comments.