I am so excited and we have just been talking like there was no tomorrow. Can't post just now but I will show pics and all tonight. This reunion is everything I hoped it would be and more. It is so nice to hear her say "thanks Mom" when I handed her dinner. I just stopped me in my tracts to here my Mom name used other then with our four legged kids.
Yak more tonight.
I am a Happy Camper.
My Friends
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow, Your only a day away ! ! !
Yes, Susan arrives tomorrow and I am just going though the house making everything look spiffy. She keeps telling me that she is coming to see me but I want to give her a lasting memory of love and caring and wanting her to know that her visit with me means the world. 12 years is a very long time and I hope that I will see her again before another 12 years passes.
This photo of her is one of my very favorites. It just depicts everything she is and was. She was my little ball of fire and ray of sunshine. I have tried several times to reproduce this photo in Water color but still can't seem to capture the smile just right.
This photo of her is one of my very favorites. It just depicts everything she is and was. She was my little ball of fire and ray of sunshine. I have tried several times to reproduce this photo in Water color but still can't seem to capture the smile just right.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
She did it again UPDATE !
I thought I would get a new basket ball for Phoebe and her new Aunt Susan to play together. Well, while I was putting groceries away I turned around to find her smiling with her new delapidated basket ball in her mouth. I immediately said, "Phoebe what did you do to your new basket ball", OMG she looked so sad and dropped it and walked away and I thought my heart would break. I told her thats okay now you have a matched set and I put one of her tennis balls in the pocket. I think she is okay with it no matter what.
She looks pretty content to me.
Silly little lap puppy. Gotta love her.
As much as I wanted to let her keep it, we had to toss it out last night as she started chewing it up. I just goes to show that it pays to buy the best. Even though the other basket ball is now deflated it is still in one piece and it is about 6 years old. So I guess we are going to have to bite the proverbial bullet and get her a good one. Does Kong make big hard rubber balls. That seems to be the only thing she hasn't been able to break down.
* * *3 Days Till She Arrives * * *
I am so excited, that I can't hardly sleep. My dear Daughter Susan is coming on Friday and I am just beside myself. It has been 12 long years since we last saw each other. I just wish we had more time but we will make the most of the time we have. Be prepared for a long posting when she leaves as I am going to take loads of photos.
I am anticipating seeing her for the first time in 12 years.
I can only imagine. I am going to have to have someone take a photo of us.
I will be making the trip alone to pick her up.
~~~~Woo Hoo ~~~~! ! !
Depoe Bay is one of the main places and Gracie's Sea Hag Restaurant is one of our favorites and where I used to work many many moons ago.Gracie and her family. She used to play the bottle in the bar with mixing spoons.
Depoe Bay is the smallest boat harbor in the United States. It was damaged a bit during the tsunami this year.
Then we will be off to Newport which is just 6 miles west of where we live now.
Yaquina Lighthouse just outside of town.
This is my Favorite Chowder place now and it is in the old Nye Beach area of Newport.
Okay, Susan if I got the old chowder taste buds going you best hurry up and get here. heheh
Our Sweet Home Town now
Monday, April 25, 2011
Thank you for stopping by

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for taking the time to visit my blog. I sometimes wonder if I am doing this for me or for others to enjoy. I like to think it is for both.
We had a very nice Easter Sunday just enjoying each others company. We had one guest over for dinner and it was just a nice simple Sunday together with a friend
I remember when there were little ones that we needed to get up early to hide the eggs and make up the Easter Baskets the night before. It seems like every year it has gotten more commercialized and less for the real reason of the day itself. But then that is up to my daughters to decide how they want to establish their own traditions for the Easter holiday for their own families now. I remember getting new Easter dresses to wear to church along with an Easter bonnets too. Oh yes, let us not forget the gloves. Now days we are lucky if we can get the kids to go to church. This picture is an image I took from the website but it totally depicts what I am trying to say.
I have to admit I looked adorable. Heheh but can you imagine parents doing that now days? I can't. Its all cotton and a little frills but not like it used to be.
I recall one Easter when my bangs wouldn't lay down so I cut them almost up to the scalp. I thought my mother would have a heart attack. She took hair from the back of that area, combed it forward and gave me a few more bangs then what I left.
The top picture on the left is the one where I gave my self a hair cut and the next is the following Easter. I always had a new Easter outfit and some horrid nylon gloves that to this day I can't stand the sound of feeling of nylon or silk being rubbed together. It is like scratching a chalk board to me. I would sit with my fingers spread wide open so I didn't have to hear or feel that sound. Weird huh?

What I am trying to say is that times change everything and they have certainly changed the way we look at things now. I suppose that is why I lean to the primitive aspect of decor, my thinking, my way of life and me in general. I prefer the way it used to be with the exception of this awesome computer. heheh
Now we can all share our feelings, family, and events with our friends and readers and I am so grateful to all of you for taking time to read my monologue and see through it all as to what I am trying to say. Thanks for letting me share a bit of my past with you all. Will you look at that car.
Thank you all for being here. And I look forward to many more visits from you all.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter to All my Friends and Followers
Happy Easter everyone. I hope that your day is filled with love and family and thoughts of what this Holiday is all about. As I was looking through Images to find the perfect sunrise, I found that they were all equally beautiful and then it dawned on me, every sunrise is Gods way of reminding us that he has risen
to stand beside him and I thank God for every morning when I wake up. Now I realize why I am thanking him in more ways then one.
Now I also want to share with you all, the ongoing saga of Phoebe and her basket and tennis balls. She has a new way that she plays with them. I couldn't bear to toss her basket ball away and now I am glad I didn't.
I was in the kitchen this morning and turned around to see Phoebe with her newest creation. It is her version of a
marshmallow pie with yellow in the middle.
She is just having the best time with the tennis balls and the poor dilapidated basket ball. She is so easy to please. Now does this look like a poor miss treated little puppy girl?
Here is the update on my Home Is Where The Heart Is pillow. I still have a ways to go. The stream is coming out of the mountains and some rocks in the stream and then all the back ground. So this one is going to take me a bit longer then some of my other ones.

So now I just want to remind you all if you are travelling today to be safe and watch out for all the crazy drivers out there.
to stand beside him and I thank God for every morning when I wake up. Now I realize why I am thanking him in more ways then one.
Now I also want to share with you all, the ongoing saga of Phoebe and her basket and tennis balls. She has a new way that she plays with them. I couldn't bear to toss her basket ball away and now I am glad I didn't.
I was in the kitchen this morning and turned around to see Phoebe with her newest creation. It is her version of a
marshmallow pie with yellow in the middle.
She is just having the best time with the tennis balls and the poor dilapidated basket ball. She is so easy to please. Now does this look like a poor miss treated little puppy girl?
Here is the update on my Home Is Where The Heart Is pillow. I still have a ways to go. The stream is coming out of the mountains and some rocks in the stream and then all the back ground. So this one is going to take me a bit longer then some of my other ones.
Happy Easter Day from our Home to Yours
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Updated WIP project and Phoebe got some new balls. Woof ! !
I love making these punch needle projects but I just have a hard time deciding where to put then once they are done.
Last night as I was washing the dishes my little lap puppy brought me a much deflated basket ball. She is very upset as much as she like being able to carry it easier now, she can't chase it or kick it. Doesn't this look like the face of a sad little girl?
I just bought her 3 new heavy duty Wilson tennis balls as they last the longest, now it looks like I am going to have to get her a new basket ball. She destroys soccer balls to fast as you can see from this photo but this basket ball lasted almost a year and it was an old ball when it was given to her.
Maybe someone will feel sorry for me and give me a new basket ball. Poor little puppy girl.
You might say that she is a little hard on her toys she loves. Hehe
Well, guess its time to put on the leashes and walk the kids so until later,
Have an awesome day.
I got some new tennis balls Woof Woof Woof!!!! Its not a basket ball
but it will do till I get another one. At least my jaws will stay in shape. Woof eheh
I'm a happy puppy now, see the smile on my face :-)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Your Room Awaits you

Wallace and Phoebe are patiently awaiting Aunt Susan's arrival. I keep saying to them "Where is Aunt Susan" and they tilt their heads and run to the window to see if someone's coming. They don't know who Aunt Susan is but it's company and they love company.
So they are guarding the stairs to your room and they know that something is going on with all the hub bub in the guest room with things being rearranged and freshened up.
So we are all ready for you Susan, just get on that jet and come see your mama. heheh
Wallace is at the door to
Welcome you to our home
And Phoebe is on your bed
waiting to snuggle and play ball
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I am so Excited
Thursday, April 14, 2011
My Mama Loves Me and Wallace
Yes, My Mama loves us, she loves us, she gets down on her knees and hugs us,
She loves us like a tennis ball, don't know about rocks.
Ya wanna play a little soccer??? Huh.....what do you mean its not a soccer ball, it works for me. What??? Its not fair because I have four feet? No one ever said that life was fair but I guess it sort of sucks being you. Woof.. woof... woof but I will give you a head start and let you kick off and I won't lick the ball too much.

I am just one of the fans because I can't get my mouth around the ball and I don't run as fast but Mama loves me just as much as you and she loved me firstest
She loves us like a tennis ball, don't know about rocks.
I'm so cute
Oh yea? Well don't push you luck buddy boy, I may be younger but I out weigh you by about 50 pounds.
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